
To begin with, I am passionate about hunting and fishing as a young boy, a passion which as I grew up it amplifield abd led me to practice fly fishing as well a fly tying.

At the age of 16, I learned to hunt small game with one of our neighbors. We were hunting small game with a pack of beagle dogs. That's when I got the bite of hunting with hunting dogs. Obviously at that age, I couldn't have a dog of my own, but the passion was deep.

It was as a young adult that I got started with pointers, and then a little later I discovered flushing dogs with the English Springer Spaniel. There, I discovered a versatile dog who met many of my expectations, a fine brush cutter in the field, as in the forest and excellent at report. A few years later, I headed out for waterfowl hunting with a retriever dog. A magnificent Labrador who accompanied me on my outings. We then enrolled in a specialist club for retriever dogs. After the sad departure of my great adventure companion, I went a few years without having any dogs.

Another circumstaltial contest prompted me to immerse myself in the dog world by acquiring a young female English Springer Spaniel, of hunting lineage. So I am making a comeback with my old love of flushing dogs. That's when a family friend,asks me to find her an English Springer Spaniel. Afterwards, we trained our dogs together and decided to start a small spaniel breeding.

Social media brought us new training partners and it was in 2019 that we decided to open the <<Club de Chiens Leveurs de la Région de Montréal>>. A small handful of enthusiasts, made its official opening a reality in 2020.

In the winter of 2020, we were invited to take part in a TV show called <<Vies de Chiens>>, which  was filmed in the summer of that same year! It was a wonderful experience for us!

Finally, know that our modest breeding in a family environment, focuses on breeding dogs that are holy in spirit, in health, have an excellent temperament and of course, very good hunting qualities.

Your satisfaction is ours, as well as our pleasure to serve you well!


André Leclerc